
brittany hyden

mama | educator | adventurer

Hi there! I’m Brittany and I love learning!

Yes, I am a weirdo who enjoys reading research papers. Lucky you, though, because when it comes to baby and kid stuff, I got you! I do the research, try it with my boy Enzo, and share it with you!

I write this blog from Texas. But, no, I don’t own a horse or wear a cowboy hat, but I do own a few pairs of cowboy boots. I love to read, run, drink wine, eat food, and travel. I have a PhD in Adult Education, hence my love for learning, and work as an adjunct professor at Texas State University.

Raising kids is hard. I thought I knew what challenging was, but holy shit, babies are a whole different ball game. Once Enzo was born, I realized quickly that I knew very little about raising a small child and began doing research into what sort of activities we could do that focus on fostering his development. I started taking photos and videos of the things we were doing and received a lot of feedback about how advanced he was for his age and how fun the things we were doing looked. So, I decided to start documenting and sharing the things we do. Thus, the blog was born!

the blog.

When I was pregnant, someone asked me what my parenting style was going to be and I was so clueless. Being that I love learning and spent years learning how to conduct research in grad school, I was embarrassed that I had not read about parenting styles. After Enzo was born, I was overwhelmed with fixing my breastmilk supply issue that I was not focused much on an approach to parenting. Thanks to Instagram, I learned so much about the type of mom I wanted to be and the approach I was going to take with Enzo.

I created this blog to share our experiences and hopefully shed light on some amazing developments in child research that we implement in our home. There was so much I didn’t know and have learned, and I am super excited to share. There is also so much I still don’t know but look forward to discovering.

this is not parenting advice! simply, I wanted to share the fun things we do and lessons we’ve learned along the way.

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